About the President and CEO

Randy Shumpert, Sr.


After deep reflection about my life, I realized that many areas have come together that enable me to persue my dream of creating a successful business. Crucial elements are in place including knowledge, skill, economics, market opportunity, relationship with god, concern for the success of others, a son headed for med-school, and a wonderful wife. As I reflect on my 30+ year career, my best work experiences occurred when I have had supervisors that inspired me to do my best at any task. Although they were exacting, they were extremely supportive at the same time. Knowing they had my best interest in mind made me excited and motivated about work. In looking back, three particular supervisors come to mind; although they were from different races and religions, they shared a deep respect for people and positive attitude. Interestingly enough, I introduced one of these supervisors to the Scaled Agile Framework (SAFe), yet his way of conceptualizing and questioning things actually taught me the most about Agile and SAFe. But, it was also his genuine interest in helping me succeed.

Agile is not a thing. It is a term that describes an approach to product development that emphasizes incremental planning, team collaboration, incremental delivery, and continual learning. When you are in a technology leadership position where decisions you make can have significant cost consequences, ideas for process improvement matter. As an early adopter of Agile and SAFe®, I realized it could help my teams deliver to market faster, with better quality, and at a reduced cost. This discovery is the driver behind my passion for Agile.

My deep dive and growth in Agile would have been more difficult, if not all together impossible, were it not for being raised in a nurturing family. My parents raised eleven children. From my mother, I learned the most about empathy, communication, and love. From my father, I patterned myself after his work ethic, sense of responsibility, and deep commitment to his community. My father was an outstanding auto mechanic and provided for all of us. However, when I saw the impact that losing his job late in his life had on my father, it sharpened my educational and professional focus. Academics became my top priority during my undergraduate years. His struggles also inspired me to earn a master's degree to continue my preparation for my career. The way my parents took care of each other, and their children is a baton I gladly take as I strive to be the same way towards my wife and son.

So, I feel incredibly grateful to be able to share my knowledge of Agile principles and practices at scale though my company. I have been blessed in my journey. I hope to see you along the road.
