SAFe 6 Practice Consultant
MBA, SPC6 Consultant and Enterprise Agile Coach with a passion for teaching, coaching, and applying Lean-Agile principles and practices that drives high levels of business agility with built-in quality through predictable and sustainable cycles.
SAFe 6 Practice Consultant
SPC6 Enterprise Coach and Executive Product Management specialist. It is my passion to identify, monitor, and analyze key performance metrics to drive scalable processes and innovation in product development.
Lead Software Engineer
GembaLytics Product Archtect and Technical Lead. Infinately curios software engineer., product owner and business analyst. Skilled in Python, Django, Flask, Selenium, Devops, AI, Deep Learning, NLP, Data Mining, Sentiment Analysis, agile methodologies scrum responsibilities, and Jira.
SAFe 6 Practice Consultant
SAFe Program Consultant, Governmetn Sector Agiile Transformation Consultant. Scientist, Nuclear Professional, STEM Educator, Career Coach, Mediator, and Project Management Professional.
Director of Marketing
Sreeya leads our marketing and business development efforts. She develops marketing strategy, plans, coordinates and directs all marketing efforts.
Strategic Advisor
Board Member and Advisor on strategic business development issues.
Sr. Project Manager
Lead researcher into benefits for psychological saftety in the workplace, privacy and confidentiality. Contributes to team development by coaching on the benefits of openess, transparcy and trust.
Crypto Currency Analyst & Advisor